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Access Group

Access Group, launched in 1990, one of Sri Lanka’s fast-growing Conglomerates, today has diversified into many fields, drawing strength from its core business areas such as Engineering and Construction, Telecommunication, Power and Renewable Energy, Hydro Power and Solar, Water, Irrigation & Sewerage, Hydro Graphic & Ocean Graphic,​ ​Health Care, Information and Technology, Real Estate​ & Property Development, General Trading & Contracting, Aviation, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Interior, Electrical, Reprographics​ , ​and Euro Metallic.


The strategic goal of the Group focuses on consolidating and strengthening existing enterprises, continuing the aggressive growth plan of entering vital new ventures and markets with innovative products and services while involving in many CSR Projects including personal development programs for staff and their families.


Access Residencies

Access Residencies​ ​(Pvt) Ltd,​ ​Member of the Access Group of Companies​​ ​​Specialized in Property Development which includes Condominium, Mix Development and Housing Projects.

While maintaining numerous properties and other ongoing real estate projects under its wing, Access Residencies target a diverse premium client portfolio with the best of housing opportunities and up to date modern infrastructures. With the strength of unsurpassed client satisfaction, Access Residencies value integrity and innovation terming up to wide range of services and benefits that will accommodate all your realty needs.


We believe in safety and strive to provide the best living environments to our clientele. Our properties are located such that safety is not a matter of concern and the only worry you will have is getting there first.

Center of Convenience

Located at the heart of Colombo, in the city that never sleeps, everything is essentially at hand when needed making it the Hubspot for all things convenient